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The Encounter Community Centre



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Encounter Community Centre has opportunities for everyone to create, learn and grow.

Our Aim Is:

  • To provide a range of meaningful activities designed to meet the individual needs of people living with a disability and to other people in the southern Fleurieu area.

  • To provide an exciting, positive community centre where people of all abilities and backgrounds can meet, learn new skills and find friendship and support from within their peer group.


  • To engage in a wide variety of enterprises, crafts and Community based activities.

  • To provide positive outcomes, training, preventable ill health strategies and Quality of Life for a healthier and more connected Community.


Clubs, groups & events

NDIS Support

Join us, share your skills, find new friends and make a difference in your community.

Volunteer or become a friend of Encounter Community Centre

At Encounter Community Centre you can find others to share your interests.

Encounter Community Centre has opportunities for everyone to create, learn and grow.

You can join our activities using your NDIS plan. Talk to us about getting the most from your NDIS plan.

  • Social Fishing

  • Revoice Connections

  • Pelican AKtion Club

  • Ocean Encounter

The Wooden Toy Factory is located on Armstrong Road at Victor Harbor. Toys are created in the workshop factory, painted and sold to raise proceeds to support The Encounter Centre.

Purchase can be made at either:

Shop 1/8-16 Ocean Street, Victor Harbor:

Open 10:00am to 4:00pm, on Monday to Wednesday, and Friday to Saturday.

or at:

The Encounter Community Centre 42 Armstrong Road, Victor Harbor:

Open 9:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday.

Visit the toy factory website to view our product range by clicking the link below. Online ordering coming soon.

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